DUO har gått förbi fiskarens önskningar när det kommer till förfinat jerkbaitfiske. Jerkbait 100SP använder ett raffinerande och uppdaterat ballast-system som ger en väldigt låg tyngdpunkt.
Betet väger 14,5g och fiskar på 0,8-15m meters djup.
Denna modell har det bästa av alla världar, balans, specifik kroppssrotation som ger ett kraftigt wobbel. Med detta bete så är det tre punkter som DUO vill trycka på.
Såhär skriver dom själva:
Flat Side Body: We have employed a super flat side body which creates a strong flashing and water pushing effect while having a natural action. It will attract bass from a vast area.
Action Response A fixed weight system was chosen to create the brisk and sharp swimming response during fast and slow retrieval, in addition to improving the initiation of action immediately after the lure takes to the water. It also stages a flashing and darting action from side to side, responding to the anglers rod work.
Sound Performance: We have specifically placed 3 separate steel balls in each individual room. This has resulted in the thick and high sound amplified through the whole body, even with a small action.