Glöm mothugg, Jaw Jacker gör det åt dig! Spöhållare med inbyggd linutlösare för isfiske efter regnbåge, röding, gös, abborre mm. Perfekt att ha som komplement på en pimpeltur som bonusspö. Ihopfälld blir Jaw Jackern mycket kompakt med måtten 42 x 6 cm.
An extremely effective new tool in the sport of ice fishing that uses the flex of your ice fishing rod to hook fish. The JawJacker adjusts to fit the length of your ice fishing rod and how hard you want to set the hook. The trigger is very sensitive and can sense the lightest bites. Trigger tension is easily adjusted from light to heavy by the turn of a wing nut. The JawJacker will fit all ice rods up to 30 inches and some rods up to 36inches depending on the flexibility of the rod. The JawJacker is made out of tough ABS plastic and folds down to 3 ¼” x 2 ½” x 16 ½”. You can easily fit 10 or more in a 5 gallon bucket. It comes with 2 rod tip loops and 3 jigs. Instructions and tips for use are on the back of the package.
OBS! Spö och rulle medföljer ej.